McDermott Lab

Selected Publications

* denotes equal contribution

    Privileged representational axes in biological and artificial neural networks
M Khosla, A H Williams, J H McDermott and N G Kanwisher. bioRxiv, Jun 2024.
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    Models optimized for real-world tasks reveal the necessity of precise temporal coding in hearing
M R Saddler and J H McDermott. bioRxiv, Apr 2024.
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    Noise schemas aid hearing in noise
J M Hicks and J H McDermott. bioRxiv, Mar 2024.
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    Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries
N Jacoby, R Polak, J A Grahn, D J Cameron, K M Lee, R Godoy, E A Undurraga, T Huanca, T Thalwitzer, N Doumbia, D Goldberg, E Margulis, P C M Wong, L Jure, M Rocamora, S Fujii, P E Savage, J Ajimi, R Konno, S Oishi, K Jakubowski, A Holzapfel, E Mungan, E Kaya, P Rao, M A Rohit, S Alladi, B Tarr, M Anglada-Tort, P M C Harrison, M J McPherson, S Dolan, A Durango and J H McDermott. Nature Human Behaviour, vol.8 Mar 2024.
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    Many but not all deep neural network audio models capture brain responses and exhibit correspondence between model stages and brain regions
G Tuckute, J Feather, D Boebinger and J H McDermott. PLoS Biology, vol.21 pp. e3002366, Dec 2023.
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    Model metamers illuminate divergences between biological and artificial neural networks
J Feather, G Leclerc, A Madry and J H McDermott. Nature Neuroscience, vol.26 pp. 2017--2034, Oct 2023.
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    Listening with generative models
M Cusimano, L B Hewitt and J H McDermott. bioRxiv, Jun 2023.
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    Relative pitch representations and invariance to timbre
M J McPherson and J H McDermott. Cognition, vol.232 pp. 105327, Mar 2023.
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    Finding fallen objects via asynchronous audio-visual integration
C Gan, Y Gu, S Zhou, J Schwartz, S Alter, J Traer, D Gutfreund, J B Tenenbaum, J H McDermott* and A Torralba*. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 10523--10533, Jun 2022.
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    A neural population selective for song in human auditory cortex
S V Norman-Haignere, J Feather, D Boebinger, P Brunner, A Ritaccio, J H McDermott, G Schalk and N Kanwisher. Current Biology, vol.32 pp. 1470-1484, Apr 2022.
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    Harmonicity aids hearing in noise
M J McPherson, R C Grace and J H McDermott. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, vol.84 pp. 1016-1042, Jan 2022.
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    Deep neural network models of sound localization reveal how perception is adapted to real-world environments
A Francl and J H McDermott. Nature Human Behaviour, vol.6 pp. 111-133, Jan 2022.
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    Deep neural network models reveal interplay of peripheral coding and stimulus statistics in pitch perception
M R Saddler*, R Gonzalez* and J H McDermott. Nature Communications, pp. 7278, Dec 2021.
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    ThreeDWorld: A platform for interactive multi-modal physical simulation
C Gan, J Schwartz, S Alter, M Schrimpf, J Traer, J De Freitas, J Kubilius, A Bhandwaldar, N Haber, M Sano, K Kim, E Wang, D Mrowca, M Lingelbach, A Curtis, K Feigelis, D M Bear, D Gutfreund, D Cox, J J DiCarlo, J B Tenenbaum, J H McDermott and D L K Yamins. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2021.
Abstract | PDF

    Neural population geometry reveals the role of stochasticity in robust perception
J Dapello*, J Feather*, H Le*, T Marques, D D Cox, J H McDermott, J J DiCarlo and S Chung. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2021.
Abstract | PDF

    Object-based synthesis of scraping and rolling sounds based on non-linear physical constraints
V Agarwal, M Cusimano, J Traer and J H McDermott. The 24th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-21), Sep 2021.
Abstract | PDF

    Speech denoising with auditory models
M R Saddler*, A Francl*, J Feather, K Qian, Y Zhang and J H McDermott. Proc. Interspeech 2021, pp. 2681--2685, Aug 2021.
Abstract | PDF

    Causal inference in environmental sound recognition
J A Traer, S V Norman-Haignere and J H McDermott. Cognition, vol.214 pp. 104627, May 2021.
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    Music-selective neural populations arise without musical training
D L Boebinger, S V Norman-Haignere, J H McDermott and N G Kanwisher. Journal of Neurophysiology, vol.125 pp. 2237-2263, Feb 2021.
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    Time-dependent discrimination advantages for harmonic sounds suggest efficient coding for memory
M J McPherson and J H McDermott. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , vol.117 pp. 32169-32180, Dec 2020.
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    Perceptual fusion of musical notes by native Amazonians suggests universal representations of musical intervals
M J McPherson, S E Dolan, A Durango, T Ossandon, J Valdes, E A Undurraga, N Jacoby, R A Godoy and J H McDermott. Nature Communications, vol.11 pp. 2786, Jun 2020.
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    Metamers of neural networks reveal divergence from human perceptual systems
J Feather, A Durango, R Gonzalez and J H McDermott. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2019.
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    Untangling in invariant speech recognition
C Stephenson, J Feather, S Padhy, O Elibol, H Tang, J H McDermott and S Chung. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2019.
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    Ecological origins of grouping principles in the auditory system
W Mlynarski and J H McDermott. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.116 pp. 25355-25364, Dec 2019.
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    Illusory sound texture reveals multi-second statistical completion in auditory scene analysis
R McWalter and J H McDermott. Nature Communications, vol.10 pp. 5096, Nov 2019.
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    Universal and non-universal features of musical pitch perception revealed by singing
N Jacoby, E A Undurraga, M J McPherson, J Valdes, T Ossandon and J H McDermott. Current Biology, vol.29 pp. 3229-3243, Sep 2019.
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    A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds
J Traer, M Cusimano and J H McDermott. The 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Sep 2019.
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    Invariance to background noise as a signature of non-primary auditory cortex
A J E Kell and J H McDermott. Nature Communications, vol.10 pp. 3958, Sep 2019.
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    Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones
S V Norman-Haignere, N G Kanwisher, J H McDermott and B R Conway. Nature Neuroscience, vol.22 pp. 1057-1060, Jun 2019.
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    Across-species differences in pitch perception are consistent with differences in cochlear filtering
K M M Walker, R Gonzalez, J Z Kang, J H McDermott* and A J King*. eLIFE, vol.8 pp. e41626, Mar 2019.
Abstract | PDF

    Deep neural network models of sensory systems: windows onto the role of task constraints
A J E Kell and J H McDermott. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol.55 pp. 121-132, Mar 2019.
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    Neural responses to natural and model-matched stimuli reveal distinct computations in primary and nonprimary auditory cortex
S V Norman-Haignere and J H McDermott. PLOS Biology, vol.16 pp. 1-46, Dec 2018.
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    The sound of pixels
H Zhao, C Gan, A Rouditchenko, C Vondrick, J H McDermott and A Torralba. The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Sep 2018.
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    Inharmonic speech reveals the role of harmonicity in the cocktail party problem
S Popham, D Boebinger, D P W Ellis, H Kawahara and J H McDermott. Nature Communications, vol.9 pp. 2122, May 2018.
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    A task-optimized neural network replicates human auditory behavior, predicts brain responses, and reveals a cortical processing hierarchy
A J E Kell, D L K Yamins, E N Shook, S V Norman-Haignere and J H McDermott. Neuron, vol.98 pp. 630-644, May 2018.
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    Adaptive and selective time-averaging of auditory scenes
R McWalter and J H McDermott. Current Biology, vol.28 pp. 1405-1418, May 2018.
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    Schema learning for the cocktail party problem
K J P Woods and J H McDermott. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.115 pp. E3313-E3322, Apr 2018.
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    Learning mid-level auditory codes from natural sound statistics
W Mlynarski and J H McDermott. Neural Computation, vol.30 pp. 631-669, Mar 2018.
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J H McDermott. Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 2, Sensation, Perception, and Attention, 4th Edition, Mar 2018.
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    Diversity in pitch perception revealed by task dependence
M J McPherson and J H McDermott. Nature Human Behaviour, vol.2 pp. 52-66, Jan 2018.
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    Generative modeling of audible shapes for object perception
Z Zhang, J Wu, Q Li, Z Huang, J Traer, J H McDermott, J B Tenenbaum and W T Freeman. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2017.
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    Headphone screening to facilitate web-based auditory experiments
K J P Woods, M Siegel, J Traer and J H McDermott. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, vol.79 pp. 2064-2072, Jul 2017.
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    Integer ratio priors on musical rhythm revealed cross-culturally by iterated reproduction
N Jacoby and J H McDermott. Current Biology, vol.27 pp. 359-370, Feb 2017.
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    Statistics of natural reverberation enable perceptual separation of sound and space
J Traer and J H McDermott. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.113 pp. E7856--E7865, Nov 2016.
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    Ambient sound provides supervision for visual learning
A Owens, J Wu, J H McDermott, W T Freeman and A Torralba. European Conf. Computer Vision, pp. 801--816, Aug 2016.
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    Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception
J H McDermott, A F Schultz, E A Undurraga and R A Godoy. Nature, vol.535 pp. 547--550, Jul 2016.
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    Visually indicated sounds
A Owens, P Isola, J H McDermott, A Torralba, E H Adelson and W T Freeman. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2405--2413, Jun 2016.
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    Distortion products in auditory fMRI research: Measurements and solutions
S Norman-Haignere and J H McDermott. Neuroimage, vol.129 pp. 401--413, Apr 2016.
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    Pitch-responsive cortical regions in congenital amusia
S Norman-Haignere, P Albouy, A Caclin, J H McDermott, N G Kanwisher and B Tillmann. The Journal of Neuroscience, vol.36 pp. 2986--2994, Mar 2016.
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    Distinct cortical pathways for music and speech revealed by hypothesis-free voxel decomposition
S Norman-Haignere, N G Kanwisher* and J H McDermott*. Neuron, vol.88 pp. 1281--1296, Dec 2015.
Abstract | PDF

    Sound segregation via embedded repetition is robust to inattention
K Masutomi, N Barascud, M Kashino, J H McDermott* and M Chait*. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol.42 pp. 386--400, Oct 2015.
Abstract | PDF

    Attentive tracking of sound sources
K J P Woods and J H McDermott. Current Biology, vol.25 pp. 2238--2246, Aug 2015.
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    The cortical analysis of speech-specific temporal structure revealed by responses to sound quilts
T Overath*, J H McDermott*, J M Zarate and D Poeppel. Nature Neuroscience, vol.18 pp. 903--911, May 2015.
Abstract | PDF

J H McDermott. The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013.
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    Cortical pitch regions in humans respond primarily to resolved harmonics and are located in specific tonotopic regions of anterior auditory cortex
S Norman-Haignere, N Kanwisher and J H McDermott. The Journal of Neuroscience, vol.33(50), pp. 19451--19469, Dec 2013.
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    Summary statistics in auditory perception
J H McDermott, M Schemitsch and E P Simoncelli. Nature Neuroscience, vol.16(4), pp. 493--498, Feb 2013.
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    Inharmonic speech: A tool for the study of speech perception and separation
J H McDermott, D P W Ellis and H Kawahara. Proc. SAPA-SCALE Conference 2012, pp. 114--117, 2012.
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    The basis of musical consonance as revealed by congenital amusia
M Cousineau, J H McDermott and I Peretz. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.109(48), pp. 19858--19863, Nov 2012.
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    Sensitivity to musical structure in the human brain
E Fedorenko, J H McDermott, S Norman-Haignere and N Kanwisher. Journal of Neurophysiology, vol.108 pp. 3289--3300, Sep 2012.
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    Spatial cues alone produce innaccurate sound segregation: The effect of interaural time differences
A Schwartz, J H McDermott and B Shinn-Cunningham. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.132(1), pp. 357--368, Jul 2012.
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    Auditory preferences and aesthetics: Music, voices, and everyday sounds
J H McDermott. Neuroscience of Preference and Choice, 2011.
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    Sound texture perception via statistics of the auditory periphery: Evidence from sound synthesis
J H McDermott and E P Simoncelli. Neuron, vol.71 pp. 926--940, Sep 2011.
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    Recovering sound sources from embedded repetition
J H McDermott, D Wrobleski and A J Oxenham. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.108(3), pp. 1188--1193, Jan 2011.
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    Musical intervals and relative pitch: Frequency resolution, not interval resolution, is special
J H McDermott, M V Keebler, C Micheyl and A J Oxenham. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.128(4), pp. 1943--1951, Oct 2010.
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    Individual differences reveal the basis of consonance
J H McDermott, A J Lehr and A J Oxenham. Current Biology, vol.20 pp. 1035--1041, Jun 2010.
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    Sensory noise explains auditory frequency discrimination learning induced by training with identical stimuli
C Micheyl, J H McDermott and A J Oxenham. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, vol.71(1), pp. 5--7, 2009.
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    The cocktail party problem
J H McDermott. Current Biology, vol.19(22), pp. R1024--R1027, 2009.
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    Sound texture synthesis via filter statistics
J H McDermott, A J Oxenham and E P Simoncelli. 2009 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk, NY, 2009.
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    Music perception, pitch, and the auditory system
J H McDermott and A J Oxenham. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol.18 pp. 1--12, 2008.
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    Is relative pitch specific to pitch?
J H McDermott, A J Lehr and A J Oxenham. Psychological Science, vol.19(12), pp. 1263--1271, May 2008.
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    The evolution of music
J H McDermott. Nature, vol.453 pp. 287--288, May 2008.
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    Exploring music's links to language
J H McDermott. Nature Neuroscience, vol.11(4), pp. 377, Apr 2008.
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    Spectral completion of partially masked sounds
J H McDermott and A J Oxenham. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol.105(15), pp. 5939--5944, Apr 2008.
Abstract | PDF

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